Dr. Damayanthie Eluwawalage, PhD, BA, (Honours), MPHA
An Interdisciplinary/Multi-disciplinary Researcher

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Damayanthie Eluwawalage, PhD, BA (Honours), BA, MPHA
Researcher, Professional Historian, Private Pilot, Second Lieutenant-Civil Air Patrol
(Assistant Aerospace Education Officer, Squadron 1007), United States Air Force Auxiliary,
NASA Research Scientist, Designer, Theorist, Professor...
Mobile: 607-353-5005
Email: deluwawalage@exploro-historia.com
Website: http://www.exploro-historia.com/
PhD; 2005; Edith Cowan University, Australia; Interdisciplinary – Design/History
B.A. (Design); First Class Honours; 1999; Curtin University of Technology, Australia; Interdisciplinary – Design/History
B.A. (Design); 1998; Curtin University of Technology, Australia; (Cross-institutional studies); Product Design/Industrial Design/Computer Applications/Aesthetics/History
Other Qualifications
SMALL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (sUAS); 2018; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Trade Certificate as a Tailor;1995; Department of Training. Western Australia
Advanced Certificate of Clothing Construction; 1994; Technical and Further Education. Western Australia
Certificate in Clothing Studies; 1993; Technical and Further Education. Western Australia
I am a pilot and the day I got my wings was one of the happiest of my life. Inspired all my life by aviation and space, for so long it seemed like an impossible dream. The below are my current research projects…
Current Main Research
Just Completed a NASA Research Grant.
Research Currently Working on…
Oxygen/Gas Masks for Female Space Tourists (according to my own personal experience as a pilot/NASA research subject).
Current Research 2
Research Topic: Research on space suits and its development from Mercury Project to Shuttle Program: Researching NASA Space Suit Design Concepts/Theories and Applications
Current Research 3
Research Topic: History of Aviation Dress
Current Research 4
Research Topic: Space Missions and the Human Cost: Historical and Sociological research
Current Research 5
Emerging Technologies in 3D Body Scanning and Printing: An Exploration of the Potential for a New Apparel Industry and (General) Aviation Industry Paradigm
Current Research 6
Research Topic: A Zeitgeist Theory of Appearance and Dress (A NEW THEORY HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND FINALIZED)

Being a Pilot:
Comprehension of human and mechanical factors as well as the correlation between human elements and technical/biological factors.
Understanding an aircraft structure, principles of flight, aerodynamics of flight, flight controls, aircraft systems, flight instruments, weight and balance, aircraft performance, weather theory, airport operations, airspace, navigation, aero-medical factors and
Ph.D. in Design:
A Trade Certificate as a Tailor (the highest tailoring qualification in Australia) from Department of Training, Western Australia;
Advanced Certificate of Clothing Construction ((Pattern-grading, Pattern-making, Fashion Designing, Fashion Illustration, Textile Technology, Apparel Construction, Apparel Finish & Embroidery, Workroom Production, Merchandising, Lingerie, Fashion Accessories, Work Experience), Technical and Further Education, Western Australia; and
Certificate in Clothing Studies (Apparel Training, Occupational Health & Safety, Pattern-making, Textile Technology, Trade Sketching, Apparel Construction, Computer Literacy, Garment Cutting), Technical and Further Education, Western Australia.
Computer-aided Design:
Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop
Technical drawing (products/industrial/apparel)
GARMENT ENGINEERING- Clothing Construction/Tailoring:
Biologically Inspired Functional Apparel:
Creating technical drawings/sketches and representations of garment designs such that:
Construction information/strategic concepts
Drafting/draping patterns
Design/modifications for:
Fit, style
Testing methods/requirements
Construction techniques/methods
Sewing techniques to produce durable and wearable garments capable of withstanding heavy use.
Experience in sewing various materials, such as:
Sewing Machines:
Industrial apparel sewing machines
Upholstery sewing machines
Leather Sewing Machines
Walking Foot Machines
Multiple-needle sewing machines
Sheepskin sewing machines
Experienced in:
Different painting techniques
Different industrial experiences in various disciplines: Experience in sewing:
Boat covers
Airplane covers
Tool bags
Car accessories (dash board covers/steering wheel covers, seat covers).
GARMENT ENGINEERING - Fabricate designs:
Both presentation appropriate models and functionally appropriate models for testing
All different aspects of apparel fabrication including a broad understanding of the most appropriate construction methods for high performance applications
Anthropometrics and ergonomics in the context of design and apparel
Interpret engineering and biomechanics data/information into a broad range of functionally and technically transformed prototyped garments
2017 - The National Endowment for the Humanities NEH Fellow 2017-2018 – Lancaster Museum Org, Pennsylvania
2014 - Appointed as Graduate Faculty: University of Wisconsin-Stout
2011 - Recognized “Single Effort- Excellence in Performance” by the Employee Recognition Program, State University of New York, Oneonta.
2011 - Recognized in 2011, “Community of Scholars” by the Office of the Provost, State University of New York, Oneonta.
2009 - Recognized in 2009, as an Outstanding Faculty 2009 by the Inter-Greek Council, State University of New York, Oneonta.
2000-2004 - Postgraduate Research Scholarship (A$ 165,000.00), Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
1998, 1999 - Commendation for High Achievement, Curtin University, Western Australia
Contributor: Historians’ Thoughts on the OSTP (The Office of Science and Technology Policy) RFI (Request for Information) for an AI (Artificial Intelligence) National Strategy.
Topic: AI and General Aviation
July 2023
Theorist: Philosophy and theory are perpetually linked; philosophy influences how one sees the world. A theory is a set of statements, principles, or ideas by which authority we make claims about the world. A theory is an explanatory construct that helps structure action by identifying key relationships that can be used to explain, predict, or change a phenomenon, and it shapes how one intentionally interacts with that world. A philosophy impacts the definition of important problems and theories provide strategies to arrive at solutions to those problems. I have envisioned, explored, and invented/discovered a brand-new sociological theory: A Zeitgeist Theory of Appearance and Dress… and ultimately, it will make a significant contribution/clarification to the discipline.
March 2024
Attired: Perspectives on Historical Costume
ELUWAWALAGE, D [Ed.] (2024) ISBN: 978-1-64889-852-5; Vernon Press.
This publication explores the integrative narratives of historical costume in the novel universal perspective of literature, leisure,
ornamentation, customs/traditions, and theoretical contexts. The adaptation, mutation, and transformation of attire are the result
of complex interactions between many factors, such as economic conditions, political conditions, social conditions, psychological
conditions, and technology. The meanings encoded in the costume are one of the noticeable hallmarks of any society. This
proposed book investigates multidisciplinary topics, for instance, embellishments such as needlework and embroidery; the
historical concept of fight, physical encounter, combat, or bout and its connection with related-attire; the contribution of dress to
the narrative process of Virgil’s 'Aeneid'; and the theory and philosophy of fashion.
(Cover designed by ELUWAWALAGE, D)
History of Costume: Nineteenth-century Western Australia
ELUWAWALAGE, D (2015) ISBN: 978-966-50967-0-6; Tharangee Press.
The book is a total of 226 pages and discusses the economical, sociological and cultural aspects of fashion
and clothing in colonial society in order to explain how clothing was used socially and economically to
establish class, status and power in the colony of Western Australia. It has also analyses the major social
and geographical impacts on early Western Australian clothing, as well as the extent to which Western
Australian colonial clothing reflected the social structure, standing and inheritance of Victorian Britain;
the industry of clothing, resources and materials and their impact on the economy of the colony and
examines whether colonial clothing negotiated gender boundaries.
(Cover designed by ELUWAWALAGE, D)
Fashion: Tyranny and Revelation
Edited by Damayanthie Eluwawalage
The Inter-Disciplinary Press, UK.
ISBN 978-1-84888-483-0; SKU: 9781848884830 (2016).
Dimensions 148mm x 210mm; Pages 332
This collection of chapters endeavour to explore the consumption, governance, potency and patronage of attire in the context of
social, socio-economic and fashion philosophies. Clothes, nutriment and habitation unexceptionally and uniformly were regarded
as a fundamental human necessity and requisite; whilst attire was primarily acknowledged as an elementary utilitarian requirement,
due to its sociological and economic significance. The collection represents a new departure in the study of dress, concerning the
rationale behind individual and collective clothing demeanours in the existing society. Fashion’s ultimate function of signifying
power and prestige, which linked with financial capability, and its impacts towards society and societal practice, is significant.
Since the 1980s there has been a growing rapprochement between art and fashion in which fashion has increasingly come to be
accepted as an art form.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. History of Costume in the Early Mid-Atlantic Colonies of the United States
Manuscript submitted to the publisher. Will be published in 2024
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Historical Costume in Fashion Design Perspective
Will be published in 2025.
Linus Books, New York
ELUWAWALAGE, D. History of Colonial Children’s Costume
The volume is under negotiation for printing.
Attired: Perspectives on Historical Costume; Edited by Damayanthie Eluwawalage; ISBN: 978-1-64889-852-5; Vernon Press. 2024.
Chapter 4: ELUWAWALAGE, D. Historical Costume: Acknowledging the Distinctiveness Between the Centuries and Epochs
Learning from Memory: Body, Memory and Technology in a Globalizing Word; Edited by Bianca Maria Pirani and Ivan Varga
ISBN (10): 1-4438-2884-X, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-2884-0; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom.
Chapter 2: ELUWAWALAGE, D. Appearance and Gender: The Histories of the Body in the Context of Clothing
Berg Fashion Library 2019
Publisher: Bloomberg Publishers
Contributing author – ELUWAWALAGE, D. “History of Correctional Attire”
Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion (10 volumes)
Winner of the 2011 Dartmouth Medal Winner of the 2011 ALA Outstanding Reference Source; ISBN 10: 1847881041 / 1-84788-104-1; ISBN 13: 9781847881045; Berg Publishers.
Contributing author – Volume 7: Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands ; Part 3: European Dress in Australia; ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Settler Dress in Australia”
Encyclopedia of National Dress: Traditional Clothing around the World (2 volumes) ISBN: 978-0-313-37636-8; eISBN: 978-0-313-37637-5 (2013);
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
Contributing author – Volume 1: ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Dress in Australia”
Berg Fashion Library 2024; Publisher: Bloomberg Publishers
Contributing author – ELUWAWALAGE, D. “History of Aviation Apparel” (Author)
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Now and Then: The Fascinating Narrative of Fashion and Clothing Advertisements”; Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology (ISSN: 2641-192X) DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2019.03.000556; July 2019.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Tailors, Seamstresses and Dressmakers in Early Lancaster, Pennsylvania”; The Journal of Lancaster County’s Historical Society (Vol. 119, NO.4 Spring 2019, pp. 204-213).
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “American Whalers and their Impact on Fashion and Clothing in Nineteenth-Century Western Australia”; PHA (WA) Newsletter of the Western Australian Professional Historians’ Association (No. 123 June 2013, pp. 20-23).
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Paper Patterns: The Resemblance between Western Australian/American Surviving Costumes and the Existing European Paper Patterns in the Nineteenth Century”; PHA (WA) Newsletter of the Western Australian Professional Historians’ Association (No. 122 February 2013).
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Earning My Wings” (Newspaper Article); Atlantic Flyer The Voice of the General Aviation Community Newspaper (October 2012).
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Fashion and Clothing in Colonial Western Australia: A Historical Overview”; Early days: Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society (2008).
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Locating History”; Phanfare: Journal of the New South Wales Professional Historians’ Association (No. 230 July-August 2008).
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, Taylor & Francis Publishing Group, London UK.
DOI:10.1080/17543266.2015.1078848 ; “Exotic Fauna and Flora: Fashion Trends in the Nineteenth Century” Published online: 14 September 2015
Edited by Laura Petican, Mariam Esseghaier, Angela Nurse and Damayanthie Eluwawalage
ISBN: 978-1-84888-211-9
Inter-disciplinary Press File type: eBook: pdf
Year of Publication: 2013.
This book aims to advance knowledge in the field of fashion studies. It offers interdisciplinary perspectives on fashion related
to collective and individual identity formation, fashion’s industries, theory, and media.
(Cover designed by ELUWAWALAGE, D)
Trending Now
ELUWAWALAGE, D. “Dress Theory: Exploring Critical Issues”; ISBN: 978-1-84888-211-9; Inter-disciplinary Press File type: eBook: pdf; Year of Publication: 2013
JOURNAL-TITLE: Journal of Literature and Art Studies; “Men Act. Women Appear: Gender in Attire” (Author)
Guest Curator
Historical Preservation at the Lorenzo State Historic Site in Cazenovia, New York
Exhibition by Damayanthie Eluwawalage: Spring 2013—Fall 2015
“From Bustle to Bodice: Layers of Elegance at Lorenzo”
Custom fabrications will include full-length replicas, based on historic portraits of dresses worn by Lorenzo mansion owners
Helen Clarissa Lincklaen and her daughter, Helen Lincklaen Fairchild. The exhibit will also feature examples of servants’
clothing, undergarments, children’s costumes and accessories from the historic collections at Lorenzo.
One of thirty five New York State historic sites, Lorenzo was established in 1807 as the neoclassical home of village founder
John Lincklaen. Operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, they offer a variety
of educational and interpretive programs and services. (www.lorenzoNY.org).
Designed costumes for a feature film: Romeo & Juliet Musical, 2022

ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Southern Historical Association (SHA) conference 2024; The European History Section (EHS); 24-27 October; Kansas City, Missouri; Topic: “Discipline and Punish: History of Penal Clothing in Europe.”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Eighteenth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices; 11-13 March 2024; Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain; Topic: “A Zeitgeist Theory of Appearance and Dress”.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 138th Annual Conference 2024; San Francisco January 4–7, 2024; Topic: “Aviator Attire: History, Chronology and Development 1915 – 1960”; online research presentation.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 136th Annual Conference 2022; (PANEL/SESSION ORGANIZER AND CHAIR); Panel Titled: “Integrative Narratives of Historical Costume in a Multifaceted Contexts”; New Orleans, LA; January 6-9, 2022.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 136th Annual Conference 2022; (PANEL/SESSION ORGANIZER AND CHAIR); Panel Titled: “Survey of Historical Costume in the Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary and Intercontinental Perspectives”; New Orleans, LA; January 6-9, 2022.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 136th Annual Conference 2022; New Orleans, LA; January 6-9, 2022; Topic: “The Potency, Governance, and Consumption of Attire in the Pre-twentieth century Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States”.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 135th Annual Conference 2021; (PANEL/SESSION ORGANIZER AND CHAIR); Panel Titled: “History of Costume in the Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Contexts”; Seattle, WA; January 7-10, 2021. VIRTUAL
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 135th Annual Conference 2021; Seattle, WA; January 7-10; Topic: “History of Costume: The Consumption and Governance of Attire in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States (1600-1900)” VIRTUAL
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Winterthur Symposium, Winterthur Museum, Delaware. October 12, 2019; Topic: “History of Costume: The Consumption and Governance of Attire in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Untied States (1600 -1900)”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Conference on Innovative Fashion and Fashion Technology: ICIFFT 2019; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; May 14-15, 2019; Topic: “Innovative Fashion and Fashion Technology in the Context of NASA Space Suit Design Concepts/Theories and Applications”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Costume Society of America – 45th Annual National Symposium; 15-20 April 2019; Seattle, Washington, Topic: “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison Attire”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 13th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices; St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg. Russia; March 1-3, 2019; Topic: “Theory of Aesthetics and Aestheticism”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. American Historical Association 133rd Annual Conference; 3-6 January 2019; Chicago, IL, Topic: “Eternal Loyalty: The Meanings Encoded in Mourning Attire”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA) Conference 2018; Baltimore, Maryland; November 8-10, 2018; Topic: “Gender Irregularity/Inequality of Language and Religion in the Sociological Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. ‘Visual Culture’ Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association National Conference; 28-31 March 2018; Indianapolis, Indiana; Topic: “Discipline and Punish: The Significance of Correctional Appearance”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 12th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices; ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona, Spain; March 5-7, 2018; Topic: “Cultural Assimilation and Acculturation in the Context of Emerging No Boundaries Apparel Design”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 11th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices; George Brown College, Toronto, Canada; March 2-4, 2017; Topic: “Everyday Technologies from Space: Researching NASA Space Suit Design Concepts, Theories, and Applications”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA) Conference 2016; Atlantic City, New Jersey; November 3-5, 2016; Topic: “Fashion, Appearance and Material Culture: The Function and Mission of Advertising in the Historical Context”
Session Chair: Fashion, Appearance and Material Culture
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Conference on Apparel, Textiles and Fashion Designing; November 20-21, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka; Topic: "Everyday Technologies from Space: NASA Space Suit Design Concepts/Theories and Applications in the Context of Clothing Design"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Eicher Symposium II, “Fashion Sex and Power”; 11-12 September 2015; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Topic: “Fashion Sex and Power: Gender and Sexuality in Victorian Attire”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. ICTF 2015: International Conference on Textiles and Fashion; July 20-21, 2015, Paris, France; Topic: "History of Textiles and Fashion: Gender Symbolism in the Context of Colour"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Sun ‘n Fun Educational Forums; Sun 'n Fun International Fly-in and Expo; 21-25 April, 2015; Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, Florida; Topic: “3D Scanning and Printing: Potential for a New GA Aviation Industry"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. National Popular Culture & American Culture (PCA/ACA) Conference; 1-4 April, 2015; New Orleans, Louisiana; Topic: “Gender and Media: Advertising Culture in the Nineteenth Century"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. American Historical Association 129th Annual Conference; 2-5 January 2015; New York City, Topic: “History and the Other Disciplines: History of Costume, Aesthetics and Appearance”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 6th Global Conference; Fashion: Exploring Critical Issues; 15-18 September 2014; Mansfield College, Oxford University, United Kingdom; Topic: “Exotic Fauna: Extreme Fashion Trends in the Nineteenth Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. EAA AirVenture 2014 Educational Museum Forums; EAA AirVenture 2014 Fly-in and Expo; 28 July- 2 August, 2014; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Topic: “History of Aviation Dress: From Balloon Era to Shuttle Era"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Sun ‘n Fun Educational Forums; Sun 'n Fun International Fly-in and Expo; 1-6 March, 2014; Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, Florida; Topic: “History of Aviation Dress: From Balloon Era to Shuttle Era"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. National Popular Culture & American Culture (PCA/ACA) Conference; 27-30 March, 2013; Washington D.C. ; Topic: “Gender in World History in the Attire and Finery Context"
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Gender & Sexuality Resource Center Dialogue Session; 15 November, 2012; State University of New York, Oneonta; Topic: “Appearance and Gender in the Cultural and Historical Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Social Science History Association Conference; Gender, Colonialism, and Empire. Affective, Care and Invisible Labor; 1-4 November, 2012 Vancouver, British Columbia; Topic: “Invisible Female Clothing Workers: Seamstresses and Dressmakers in the Nineteenth-Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 4th Global Conference; Fashion: Exploring Critical Issues; 16-19 September 2012; Mansfield College, Oxford University, United Kingdom; Topic: “Dress Theory: Exploring Critical Issues”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Social Science History Association Conference; November, 2011; Boston, Massachusetts; Topic: “Theories and Criticism of Text and Fashion: Exploring Critical Issues”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand, POPCAANZ Conference; 29 June-1 July 2011; Auckland, New Zealand; Topic: “Fashion: The Natural World and its Influence on Fashion and Clothing in the Nineteenth Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 40th National Popular Culture & American Culture (PCA/ACA) Conference; 20-23 April 2011; San Antonio, Texas; Topic: “The Sartorial Extravagance: The Body in the Fashion Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices; 2-4 February 2011; Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; Topic: “Re-Evaluating and Re-Interpreting Fashion and Clothing Theory: Interdisciplinary Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 2010 TSA (Textiles Society of America) Symposium ‘Textiles and Settlement: From Plains Space to Cyber Space’ 6-9 October 2010; Lincoln, Nebraska; Topic: “From Plains Space to Lunar Space: The Development of Early Space Suits”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. XVII (International Sociological Association) ISA World Congress of Sociology ‘Sociology on the move’ Conference; 11-17 July 2010; Gothenburg, Sweden; Topic: “Appearance and Gender: The Histories of the Body in the Context of Clothing”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Costume Society Symposium ‘The Price of Fashion’; 9-11 July 2010; Leeds, United Kingdom; Topic: “Effect of British Clothing Exports: The Second-hand Clothing Trade in Colonial Western Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. (Re)Viewing History- Australian Historical Association Biennial Conference; 5-9 July 2010; Perth, Western Australia; Topic: “'A Brief History of Correctional Attire in Australia'”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. World History Association 19th Annual Conference; 24-27 June 2010; San Diego, California; Topic: “Gender in World History in the Attire and Finery Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Fourth Biennial Conference Women’s and Gender Historians of the Midwest; Cross Currents in Women’s & Gender History Conference; 17-19 June 2010; Dubuque, Iowa; Topic: “Cross Currents in Gender History: Cultural Symbol Systems and Gender Inequality”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: 35th Annual Economic & Business Historical Society Conference; 27-29 May 2010; Braga, Portugal; Topic: “The Tale of Clothing Suppliers in Great Britain”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: Translation/transmissibility and Transcultural Communication in the Humanities Conference 2010; 11-12 May 2010; Paris, France; Topic: “Communication and Gender Asymmetry of Language”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: Fashion & Costume Conference “ENDYESTHAI”: To Dress Historical, Sociological and Methodological Approaches Conference; 9-11 April, 2010; Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece; Topic: “Culture and Clothing: ‘The meaning of clothing is culturally defined”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: FROM THE GRAND TOUR TO MASS TOURISM: The Modern History of the British Abroad; 1-2 April, 2010; Newcastle, England, United Kingdom; Topic: “British Travellers in Colonial Western Australia in the Nineteenth Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The National Popular Culture & American Culture Associations’ Annual Conference; March 31-April 3, 2010; St. Louis, Missouri; Topic: “Dress Culture in the Theoretical Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities; January 13-16, 2010; Honolulu, Hawaii; Topic: “Appearance: The Histories of the body in the Context of Clothing”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: 7th International Conference on History: From Ancient to Modern; December 28-31, 2009; Athens, Greece; Topic: “Philosophy and Theory of Fashion: Understanding Fashion within the Appropriate Historical Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Dialogue Session Paper: The Gender & Sexuality Resource Center; 10 December 2009; State University of New York, Oneonta; Topic: “Symbolism and Gender Asymmetry of Religion and Language”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: Extra / Ordinary Dress Code: Costuming and the Second Skin in Asia Conference; 8-10 December 2009; City University of Hong Kong; Topic: “Fashion and Popular Culture: a Philosophical Approach”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The Second Annual U.S. Intellectual History Conference 2009; 12-13 November 2009; Center for the Humanities, City University of New York’s Graduate Center, New York; Topic: “Fashion Theory in U.S. Intellectual Historical Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH 2009); 9-11 October 2009; Singapore; Topic: “The Philosophy of Fashion and Clothing in an Interdisciplinary Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Textiles and Apparel Association Conference; 28-31 October 2009; Seattle, Washington; Topic: “A Brief Narrative of Clothing Shopping in Great Britain”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Costume Society of America Southeast Regional Annual Meeting and Symposium; 22-25 October 2009; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Topic: “Flora and Fauna: Influences, Impacts and Fashion/Clothing in Historical Context”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Association for the Advancement of Science; 90th Annual Meeting California Academy of Sciences; 14 – 19 August 2009; San Francisco State University, California; Topic: “Fashion Historiography: A Novel Theoretical Approach”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: 'Constructing the Past'; The Australian Historical Association Conference 2009; 30 June – 3 July 2009; University of the Sunshine Coast; Queensland, Australia; Topic: “Men Act, Women Appear”: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Gender in Clothing in Colonial Western Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: 'Constructing the Past'; The Australian Historical Association Conference 2009; 30 June – 3 July 2009; University of the Sunshine Coast; Queensland, Australia; Topic: “American Whalers and Their Impact in Early Colonial Western Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: ‘Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations’; Russian Academy of Sciences Fifth International Conference 2009; 23 June – 26 June 2009; Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of History, Political Science and Law; Moscow, Russia; Topic: “Gender in Attire: Hierarchy and Culture in Western Civilisations”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 'Remarkable Irish Women: Radicals, Republicans and Writers…'; An International and Interdisciplinary Conference; Drew University; 19 June – 20 June 2009; Topic: “Irish Women in Colonial Australia: An Irish-Australian Identity in the Nineteenth Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. ‘Fashions: Business Practices in Historical Perspective’; The 13th meeting of the European Business History Association and the 55th meeting of the Business History Conference; 11-13 June 2009; Bocconi University; Milan, Italy; Topic: “The Function and Mission of Advertising in the Nineteenth Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. ‘Fashion, Appearance, & Identity’ Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association National Conference; 8-11 April 2009; New Orleans, Louisiana; Topic: “Clothing, Masculinity and the Other”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Textiles and Apparel Association, California; 5-8 November 2008; Schaumburg, Illinois; Topic: “American Whalers and Their Impact on Fashion and Clothing in Nineteenth Century Western Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Textiles and Apparel Association Conference, California; 5-8 November 2008; Schaumburg, Illinois; Topic: “History of Correctional Attire in Europe and Colonial Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. ‘It's About Time: Temporality and Interdisciplinary Research’; 33rd Annual Social Science History Association (SSHA) Meeting; 23-26 October 2008; Miami, Florida; Topic: “Acknowledging the Historical Distinctiveness between the Centuries and Epochs in the Context of Fashion/Clothing and Fashion/Clothing Theory”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. 'Locating History'; 2008 Biennial Conference of the Australian Historical Association; July 7-10, 2008; The University of Melbourne; Topic: “Correctional Attire: Defining Social Difference through Appearance in Western Australia 1850-1868”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Britishness, Identity and Citizenship: The View from Abroad Conference; June 5-6, 2008; The University of Huddersfield, England; Topic: “Britishness, Social Attitudes, Clothing Practices and Colonial Distinctiveness”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The European Social Science History Conference, Lisbon, Portugal; 26 February – 1 March 2008; Topic: “The European Influence in Colonial Australian Fashion and Clothing in the Nineteenth Century”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Flinders University Conference, Adelaide, Australia; 3-5 December 2007; Topic: “Clothing, Class, Culture and the British Influence in Colonial Western Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Textiles and Apparel Association, California; 6-10 November 2007; Topic: “Culture, Clothing and Gender: A Historical Overview”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Textiles and Apparel Association Conference, California; 6-10 November 2007; Topic: “Fashion Theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach”
ELUWAWALAGE, D.: The Textile Institute; 85th World Conference; Colombo, Sri Lanka; April 2007; Topic: “A History of Dyes and Dyed Textiles”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. International Symposium on the Arts in Society Conference; February 22-23; New York University, New York; Topic: Fashion Theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Australasian Victorian Studies Association Conference 2006; Victorian Traffic; Hosted by La Trobe University, Melbourne; February 6-9, 2006; Topic: “History of shopping: Resources and Consumption of Attire in Colonial Western Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. National Centre for Australian Studies Conference; Consumer Australia: An Historical Perspective; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; February 3, 2006; Topic: “The Influence of Advertising on Clothing in the Nineteenth-Century Australia”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Design History Society Conference 2002; Consumption, Production and Identity in a Global Context; The University of Wales, Aberystwyth; September 3-5, 2002; Topic: “The Governance of British Influence in Colonial Western Australian Fashion and Dress: 1829-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Calvary Baptist Church - Keenager Meeting Presentation, Reading Pennsylvania; October 2018; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: York County Historical Center, York, Pennsylvania; September 2018; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Lancaster Museum Org (Fellow’s Lecture), Lancaster, Pennsylvania; July 2018; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Christian Women’s Club, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania; June 2018; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Hay Creek Valley Historical Society: Joanna Furnace Museum, Hay Creek, Pennsylvania; May 2018, ‘Victorian Tea Program’; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: The Berks County Heritage Center, Reading, Pennsylvania; May 2018, Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, Cocalico Valley, Pennsylvania; March 2018; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Linden Hall, Lititz, Pennsylvania; January 2018; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Denver Women’s Club, Denver, Pennsylvania; October 2017; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Wyomissing Library, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania; 28 January 2017; Topic: “History of Costume in State of Pennsylvania 1600-1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Greene Historical Society, Greene, New York; 14 August 2012; Topic: “A Narrative History of Costume in Greene/New York State”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: The Syracuse Book Club, Syracuse, New York; January 2012; Topic: “Fashion and Clothing in New York State”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: The Women's Club of Cooperstown, Cooperstown, New York; November 2011; Topic: “The History of Fashion in New York”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Lorenzo State Historic Site, New York State; “A Fashionable Ladies’ Garden Tea”; July 2011; Topic: “A History of Costume in New York State: 1600’s – 1900”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Host: Royal Western Australian Historical Society; July 2007; Topic: “Fashion and Clothing in Colonial Australia: A Historical Overview”
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 136th Annual Conference 2022; (PANEL/SESSION ORGANIZER AND CHAIR); Panel Titled: “Integrative Narratives of Historical Costume in a Multifaceted Contexts”; New Orleans, LA; January 6-9, 2022.
ELUWAWALAGE, D. The American Historical Association’s 136th Annual Conference 2022; (PANEL/SESSION ORGANIZER AND CHAIR); Panel Titled: “Survey of Historical Costume in the Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary and Intercontinental Perspectives”; New Orleans, LA; January 6-9, 2022.
The Second ISA (International Sociological Association) Forum of Sociology; Buenos Aires, Argentina; August 2012; Research Committee on The Body in the Social Sciences, RC54; Main theme: Empowerment, cognition, emotion: Body rhythms and social rhythms in information society
ELUWAWALAGE, D. Organizer and Chair; Session F; The body and the habitat: Mapping the environment
2021 - AHA Member Spotlight – American Historical Association - https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/summer-2021/aha-member-spotlight-damayanthie-eluwawalage
2019 - Editorial Panel Member – Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology (JTSFT)
2017 - Nominated and to be featured in Marquis 2016 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in America.
2010-2016 Nominated and featured in Marquis 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Editions of Marquis Who's Who in the World.
2009- 2016 Nominated and featured in Marquis 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Editions of Marquis Who's Who in America.
2011 Nominated and featured in Marquis 2011 Edition of Marquis Who's Who of American Women.
2022-2023 Board Member, Liberty Bell Museum Board of Directors, Allentown, Pennsylvania
2018-2021 Board Member, National Board of Directors - Costume Society of America
2018-2020 Costume Society of America 2020 National Symposium Planning Committee: Professional Development Chair
2017-2021 Costume Society of America- Membership Chair: Mid-Atlantic Region
2017-current 2nd Lieutenant and Aerospace Education Office; Civil Air Patrol, United States Air Force Auxiliary
2015-2016 Racial & Ethnic Studies & Global Perspectives Committee, University of Wisconsin-Stout
2008-2013 Costume Society of America- Board Member : Mid-Atlantic Region
2013-2014 Costume Society of America- Treasurer: Mid-Atlantic Region
2009-2014 Costume Society of America- Chairman of the Nominating Committee
2007-2013 ITAA Development Committee, International Textiles and Apparel Association
2011-2012 Faculty Senate member, SUNY Oneonta
2011- 2012 Grievance Committee, Human Ecology, SUNY Oneonta
2012 - Search Committee, Human Ecology, SUNY Oneonta
2010-2011 Scholarship Committee, Human Ecology, SUNY Oneonta
2008-2012 President’s Council on Diversity, SUNY Oneonta
2010-2011 Strategic Planning Council Member, SUNY Oneonta
Spring-2010 Co-advisor to SFS Fashion Show, SUNY Oneonta
2006-2007 Missouri State University Library Committee
2007-2008 Missouri State University External Student Travel Committees
2007-2008 Missouri State University Scholarship Committee
2007-2008 Ozarks Studies Committee, Missouri
2008- current American Historical Association
2005 - current Professional Historians Association (Australia)
2005 - current Australian Historical Association
1997 - current Royal Western Australian Historical Society
2008 - current Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
2010 - current Experimental Aircraft Association
2015 - current International Aerobatic Club
2017 - current Civil Air Patrol, United States Air Force Auxiliary
Fashion designer for the ‘Bridal Magazine’ Western Australia (1997-1999 Design, making patterns, construction, fitting, photo shoots)
Fashion illustrator, sample machinist, and embroiderer (1995-2000)
Fashion Internship: Bridal, Tokyo, Japan (1998)
Sample machinist: canvas/sheepskin/vinyl/plastic (1994-1999)
Sample machinist: bridal wear/bridal veils (1993-1999)
2021 - Registrar, 2021 Wildwood Acroblast Aerobatic Competition; | International Aerobatic Club; KWWD. NJ.
2020 - Registrar, 2020 Wildwood Acroblast Aerobatic Competition; | International Aerobatic Club; KWWD. NJ.
2014 - Organizing Committee member, Costume Society of America 2014 Symposium in Baltimore, MD.
2007, 2008 Reviewed ITAA Conference Proposal Papers.
2012, 2013, 2014 Reviewed CSA Symposium Proposal Papers.
2009, 2012, 2013 Reviewed reference books for Fairchild Publishers.
2009 Chaired ‘Fashion’ session at the Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association National Conference.
2000, 2004 Volunteered for two summer Olympic Games.
Research Interests and Goals
As a designer and a historian, I have procured many research aptitudes, and I have completed many interdisciplinary research projects and case studies in history, social histories, aviation, space, sociology, theory and philosophy, target markets, anthropometrics/ergonomics in design etc.
I am a pilot and the day I got my wings was one of the happiest of my life. Inspired all my life by aviation and space, for so long it seemed like an impossible dream. It enhanced my comprehension of human and mechanical factors as well as the correlation between human elements and technical/biological factors. Understanding an aircraft structure, principles of flight, aerodynamics of flight, flight controls, aircraft systems, flight instruments, weight and balance, aircraft performance, weather theory, airport operations, airspace, navigation, aero-medical factors and Aeronautical Decision-Making has strengthened my design aptitude and scholarship immensely.
Current Research 1
Research on space suits and its development from Mercury Project to Shuttle Program: Researching NASA Space Suit Design Concepts/Theories and Applications. This research focuses on the history and development of space suits from Mercury to Shuttle Programs. It is an investigation of design concepts, theories and applications in the context of practicality and effectiveness that can be applicable to any functional, sports apparel, protective and active clothing.
Current Research 2
History of Aviation Dress. This proposed publication intends to arouse interest in one of the neglected areas of universal aviation histories over the centuries. The fundamental purpose of this publication, as its title implies, is to examine the dress worn by aviators from the early eighteenth century to pre-twenty first century. The proposed “History of Aviation Dress” will provide a comprehensive introduction and chronological development to the world of historical flight dress. As a study of significant social and cultural practices, this publication contributes to the understanding of previously disregarded elements in universal aviation histories and costume histories. The study investigates the clothing and accessories such as headwear and eyewear worn by early aviators. The research compares the dress of early mechanical pilots, kiters, hot air balloonists and gliders from the early eighteenth century to the pre-twenty first century.
Current Research 3
Space Missions and the Human Cost: Historical and Sociological research. A research on the human cost of those successful space missions in the historical, sociological and psychological contexts. Even though the 'mission has accomplished', certainly, there is a background history of the people involved, those remarkable people who worked so hard to fulfil the nation's dream. The impact of the mission on their personal lives, whether there were eminent and irrepressible damages etc. This study discusses a new departure in the study of space, focusing on the understanding of previously disregarded elements in American space histories.
Current Research 4
Emerging Technologies in 3D Body Scanning and Printing: An Exploration of the Potential for a New Apparel Industry and (General) Aviation Industry Paradigm. 3D Body Scanning and Printing: An Exploration of the Potential for a New Apparel Industry Paradigm:
The prime drivers of Mass Customization are technology (such as initial body scanning technology), supply chain transformation and organizational restructuring. There has been major advancement on technological front initiating from obtaining customer’s measurement through body scanning, to product development and finally to deliver the customized product to customer. However, the concept of 3D scanning and printing technology has a great potential be more effective, user-friendly, fast, easy and cost-effective than the exciting body scan-related made-to-measure apparel production.
3D Scanning and Printing: An Exploration of the Potential for a New General Aviation Industry Paradigm
Objectives: To explore 3D scanned and printed aviation-related accessories and applications such as, cockpit covers, canopy covers, cabin covers, wing covers, tail covers, empennage covers, engine covers, cowling covers, full cover sets for entire aircraft, engine inlet plugs, internal heat shields or sunshades, fitted hangar dust covers, propeller covers, spinner covers and carpets etc…using three dimensional printing technologies; To recognize how 3D scanning/printing can be used in aviation industry in general, General Aviation (GA) industry in particular; To explore 2D and 3D methods of design and production of custom-made/custom-tailored accessories; To explore new technologies and software such as Optitex for scanning, pattern drafting, pattern cutting and assembling; To investigate and explore fabrics and materials that can be used in printing/producing user-friendly, environmentally-friendly, sustainable, durable and inexpensive aircraft accessories.
Current Research 5
Fashion Theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach. The aim of this research is to define intellectual and theoretical concepts in fashion and clothing in pre-twentieth century western societies. It will primarily focus on the broader understanding, application and interpretation of aesthetics/fashion/clothing theory. There are many noticeable inaccuracies in relation to present-day fashion/clothing writings. This proposed research aims to clarify these pretexts. In achieving the above mentioned aim, this study intends to examine the evolution and development of fashion related theory. Also, the study aims to re-evaluate fashion and its importance in understanding collective and societal behaviour in pre-twentieth century western societies. JUST FINALIZED AS A NEW SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY.
Current Research 6
History of Costume in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States (1600 -1900). This research examines a new departure in the study of dress in early (c1600-1900) Mid-Atlantic Region, focusing on the rationale behind individual and collective clothing practices. As a study of significant social and cultural practices, rather than an account of fashion, this research contributes to the understanding of previously disregarded elements in American economic and social histories. The study investigates the internal and external influences which impacted upon early inhabitants' ways of dressing, their societal attitudes and social demeanour. The research compares the influences on attire and finery in early society with the European context. This research examines the influences caused by world-wide dominant events, ideas and social groups, and their effect on societal and cultural attitudes. Will be published in early 2025.
Teaching and Scholarly Recognition
• NEH Fellow 2017-2018 – Lancaster Museum Org, Pennsylvania.
• Recognized as an Outstanding Faculty 2009 by the Inter-Greek Council, State University
of New York, Oneonta on November 2009.
• Recognized on April 2011, “Single Effort- Excellence in Performance” by the
Employee Recognition Program, State University of New York, Oneonta.
• Recognized on November 2011, “Community of Scholars” by the Office of the Provost,
State University of New York, Oneonta.